LMU is committed to the welfare and safety of all persons who participate in university-sponsored events. LMU's mission often brings us into contact with minors (children under 18 years old) through service projects, academic programs, athletic camps, summer camps, specialty camps, and community outreach programs. As minors are a particularly vulnerable population, LMU takes extra precautions to protect minors who participate in Covered Programs. It is with this in mind that the university has adopted a Minors on Campus Policy.
The policy in part provides the following information for covered programs:
- A process for registering programs that involve minors;
- Codes of Conduct for interacting with minors;
- External and internal mandatory reporting requirements;
- The types of training necessary for interacting with minors;
- Definitions and rules for those who run programs and camps intended for minors;
- Where to go for information;
- What constitutes a Covered Program.
Covered Program Requirements
University-operated activities and programs intended for minors, both on LMU property or at off-campus locations, are considered "Covered Programs" and are at a minimum required to:
- Register the program
- Complete criminal background checks for authorized adults, and
- Complete Child Safety training requirements.
Program Registration
The University employee responsible for the Covered Program (or designee) shall register the Covered Program with Risk Management at least 30 days before the Covered Program begins. Programs must be registered each time they are offered or run, regardless of whether or not they have been offered or run before. Register your program.
Background Checks
Adults (18 and over) who supervise and are responsible for minors participating in Covered Programs ("Authorized Adults") are required to have a criminal background check and to receive clearance to participate before they may care for, supervise, work with, or otherwise come into contact with Minors who participate in the Covered Program. Background checks for Authorized Adults may not be more than 2 years old. The criminal background check will be administered under the direction of Human Resources. For more information, please visit the Human Resources website.
Safety Training
A Covered Program will require all of its employees and volunteers to be trained on appropriate conduct with or around minors, protecting minors from abuse and neglect, and reporting of known or suspected child abuse or neglect. Persons covered by California's Mandated Reporter laws must comply with their legal obligations, and all university faculty and staff must follow university policy (see "Safety and Health" on the HR Policies and Procedures page) and report all actual or suspected incidents of child abuse or neglect. All University employees and Authorized Adults who interact with Minors must be familiar with and comply as required with the Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act (CANRA). The CANRA training must be completed before the employee or volunteer may care for, supervise, work with, or otherwise come into contact with Minors who participate in the Covered Program. To request CANRA training please contact Sara Trivedi, Title IX Coordinator and EEO Specialist for LMU.
As the administrator of the Protection of Minors policy, the Office of Risk Management will:
- Facilitate program registration;
- Maintain a database of covered programs;
- Work with organizations and departments to assist with policy compliance;
- Provide guidance on creating completed Permission and Assumption of Risk documents;
- Provide resources to and monitor feedback from programs affected by the Policy; and
- Provide a point of contact for any covered program seeking information or assistance.
Questions can be referred to Doug Moore, University Risk Manager, at 310.338.3017 or douglas.moore@lmu.edu.